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http://www.100md.com 2012年3月1日 刘梅,王娟,张杰,张元风




    [中图分类号]R758.4+2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2012)03-0455-02

    Pixel Erbium laser treatment of melasma with the efficacy of acid

    LIU Mei,WANG Juan,ZHANG Jie,ZHNG Yuan-feng

    (Department of Beijing Skin Disease Hospital of acne,Beijing 100192,China)

    Abstract: Objective Observed pixel erbium laser (2940) joint-hydroxy acid (AHA) in the treatment of melasma clinical efficacy and safety,master pixel erbium laser and chemical peel treatments. Methods The concentration of 20%, 35% of the acid were 30 cases of chloasma treated 2~3 weeks time, 5 times for a course of treatment. Application of short-pulse erbium laser pixels were 30 cases of melasma treatment, once every 2~3 weeks, four times for one course, two methods are used interchangeably, 15 days of treatment time.There are two doctors on fixed lesions in patients with melasma area and severity index (MASI) score, for the use of self-efficacy before and after treatment were observed and recorded the response of patients after treatment. Results The number of treatments increases, the brown spots gradually fades, MASI score decreased, the effective rate of 60%. 30 patients completed a course of treatment, efficiency: epidermal melasma was 83.33%, 44.44% mixed type, skin type than the mixed type decreased more significantly in patients with MASI (P<0.05). Conclusion Pixel Erbium laser and acid treatment of melasma, is a safe and good, quick repair, adverse reaction method; for epidermal melasma is more effective than the mixed type.

    Key words: Pixel Erbium Laser;acid;chloasma


    1 资料和方法


    1.2排除标准:①瘢痕体质者;②严重糖尿病、高血压患者;③活动性病毒感染:单纯疱疹、疣,近期手术史(有正在愈合的伤口),近期接受过放射治疗;④精神病患者或对治疗有过高期望值者;⑤活动期白癜风和银屑病、系统性红斑狼疮;⑥妊娠期或哺乳期;⑦光过敏者;⑧曾行化学剥脱术、磨削术及其他换肤术者;⑨近期内使用维甲酸药物者;⑩不愿意治疗后进行防晒及治疗后有风险的患者 ......
